Saturday 16 June 2007


I had been avoiding the YouTube bug for quite sometime now. But no antibiotics, immunity boosters or tonics helped. First it was the "I don't have time." excuse. Then it turned to "How jobless is that!!" And one fine day, curiosity took over. As I hesitantly ventured into the channels, I tried to spot any familiar name. I ran into HappySlip and voila!! there I was, going through every video one by one, laughing out loud and wanting more. I instantly identified with her vibrance, her silly sense of humour and ofcourse, her goofiness, which I thought I had the patent for, but it turns out otherwise. There was this one video where she says that Nalts is awesome. So began my search for Nalts. First I searched for Nultz, getting boggled by Christine's PeepHole accent. But clearing more bushes away I finally land upon the FUNNYMAN's world. I simply adore the kids. Nalts led me to Pipistrello and others.

So when do I start?? Pas moi!! Vlogging's not for me. Too shy, too scared and too intimidated. Public opinion is on my list. So don't have the guts. And I realise that even if I keep all this aside, making a 1-minute video takes up a lot of effort.

Now Christine obviously writes the dialogue, does the Mom's part, the Dad's part, the Aunty's part and everything separately and then mixes and edits with music and effects. I love how much effort sh puts in each video. The hair, the makeup, the music.. She rocks!!

I haven't really seen the other YouChoob phenomena. But guess I'l bump into them soon enough and rave about them too.

YouTube was Time magazine's invention of the year 2006. And very rightly so. It is the ultimate platform of expression and it can't get any better than this. Everybody who's anybody can be here, be known, be heard and be seen. Information is no longer a luxury. It is right there. This is true democracy.

I just hope I catch on to it soon enough before I am labelled YouTubesolete.

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