Sunday 18 May 2008

Eagles’ Nest, 8th May, 2008

We were ready at day break to board three jeeps. We were going to stuff ourselves in the jeeps and some would even get to hop on top of them. Aditi, Lincy, Swedyl and I wasted no time and saved seats for ourselves on top of one of them. Nadia joined us and so did Vicky. The ride was fun. Too bad I couldn’t get any pictures on the way because it was quite bumpy. Three high prayer flags that went up to the clouds urged me to get my camera out but personal safety and Aditi said otherwise. We grabbed on and sang songs all the way. My sore throat was irritating me. Couldn’t sing. Couldn’t talk. In the meantime Aditi and Swedyl choreographed to ‘Yeh Ishq Hai’ and within minutes a performance was ready. As we climbed higher, it got nippier and hazier. We were moving in clouds. Thank god I had my jacket on which by the way I didn’t take of all day. The ride ended when Vicky spotted a flat in our jeep. So we got off and tried to warm ourselves. There were a few bamboo sticks lying around in the clearing and someone came up with the brilliant idea of trying out the bamboo dance. As it turns out, I suck at it. Guess Anant’s right about the problem in my wiring – mind to limb coordination.
After a while we saw people of another jeep walking up to us. Theirs ran out of gas. So the third goes done to the town to get the tyre fixed and get more fuel. So much for conveyance. So we all start off on foot. But I am really glad we got to walk that day because it was breathtaking. Moss laden trees, dinning birdsong, bugs and beetles splashed with colour and silence. A few of us ended up walking an extra mile too. After some rest and a few things from Sir about various birds like Yuheena, Drongo, etc, we walked back. One jeep was now supposed to come back with our lunch. We caught sight of it at 4 and was that a relief! Lunch in makeshift tents in the rain on the mountain, who could’ve thought of that! We finally returned to the hotel, dead tired.

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