Sunday 18 May 2008

Balukpong – Tenga, 7th May 2008

Had breakfast at Hotel Solu and loaded the bus to set off for Tenga. On the way we were to go to the Orchid Reserve at Sessa. But the bus and the bus driver were very daft and we were very slow. The climb was steep and it had to happen once. The clutch plate was conked and the bus broken down. So we set off on foot up the road. It was a steady climb and a little tiring for a few. We must have walked around 3 kms to Sessa. This was a beautiful valley surrounded by cloud covered mountains. Some had tea while others had photo sessions. There were a few like Swedyl and Aditi who had both. The bus arrived all repaired at Sessa and we got on it again.

The plan for the Orchid Reserve was postponed for the time being. On the way there was an actual waterfall to Anish’s delight. And yes, he was the first one to get in. People followed suit promptly and within minutes we had a bus full of dripping, shivering, screaming people. There were some people who opted out but most were game. I think the pictures taken here are the best.

We continued for Tenga and stopped for lunch at a place where they had graciously let us into their kitchen, that had a table full of steaming cabbage soup and fresh steamed momos. The room was hot and we all huddled up. I stood right in front of the fire and a few others lined up too. The heating session worked wonders. After the manna-like lunch we wound our way through more cloud laden mountains to Tenga. We saw the military establishments, all prim and proper. Cadets waved at us while our noisy bus zoomed past them.

We reached the hotel, sorted things out and again set off for a monastery nearby. It was a small Gongpa, but calming nonetheless. The prayer flags fluttered in the twilight as if they were cajoling the wind to go slower. The bowls of water offered every day to the Gods, the seven elements symbolised at various points, the significance of the Lotus made sense to me for the first time. Seeing all those things has made me curious about Buddhism and am going to read up as much as I can get hold of about it. We spent quality time in and around the place and walked back to the hotel. Had dinner, played UNO and slept off – all worried about how one is to get up the next day.

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