Friday, 21 May 2010

Political Incorrection

Everyone has had their share of cringy moments. Even if it is the US Chief of Protocol. How ironical is this - The Chief of Protocol slipping in front of the First Families of the US AND Mexico as she took a tentative step to welcome the latter. But then, she is after all a woman with slender black legs balancing herself on an impossible pair of shoes. Then why the hue and cry about the mishap. Well, coz we are all insecure. We are too scared of our own slips and misses that we nab every chance we get to ridicule the others. Coz the day we slip, they would definitely jeer at us.

The series of faux pas for me has been exceptionally elaborate. I have suffered from Foot in Mouth Disease ever since I remember. I have always been butter fingered. I have managed to drop glassware only when the most revered guest is gracing us with his presence. I have managed to spill food only when I’m supposed to be graceful. I have managed to enter a room without knocking the door only when I was supposed to keep away. I have had fits of blabbering only when I was expected to be quiet and impressive. I’ve been there, done that and I know how it is to think about something in the past, knit your eyebrows, gulp it down and get a weird feeling in your tummy.

But then you think to yourself, I bet everyone has their share of ‘faux pas’. Everyone regrets what they once said or did. At least you hope they did. Coz that makes you feel less stupid.

And what is life if you’re too cautious, if you’re too scared to live it out.. if you’re too scared to try going the extra mile.. Coz, if you calculate and weigh every moment.. the moment has already passed you by…